Feline Memories Found to be Fleeting – Yahoo! News

I won't make any comment on this one… ^^

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About mikeymikez

Interested in music, film, good books and Korean culture.
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4 Responses to Feline Memories Found to be Fleeting – Yahoo! News

  1. Lauren says:

    That definitely makes sense… I think a lot of animals rely on senses other than sight in order to live day-to-day life. They have this wonderful sense of being that I can't quite explain.
    Thanks for sharing, Mike. ^__^

  2. Mikey says:

    It was the hat on the cat that attracted my interest! ^^ I never understand kitties like I do dogs…. Dogs are very transparent – like most guys, I guess! ;)Huggles to you dear!Mikey

  3. That cat is making a stop to Texas – yeehaw baby

  4. Mikey says:

    must be a Texas Dori cat! ^^ Maybe needs Texas-sized hat though?? 😛

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